LAS Annual General Meeting
Notice is herebygiven of the Annual General Meeting of the Lindsay Agricultural Society.
The Annual General Meeting of theLindsay Agricultural Society is scheduled to be held on Thursday, January 26,2023 in the Commonwell Exhibition Building on the LEX Grounds at 354 AngelineStreet South, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4R2 beginning at 7:00pm. Refreshments willbe available beginning at 6:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to receivereports and the Society’s Financial Statements required to be placed before themembership, to elect members of the Board of Directors, to consider changes tothe Constitution, and for the transaction of such other matters as may properlybe brought before the membership.
A copy of the proposed amendments to the Constitution can beviewed online and hard copies are available at the LAS office. Click here:
All voting participants are required to hold a valid 2023membership for the Lindsay Agricultural Society. Memberships must be purchasedprior to 7:00pm on January 26, 2023.
Shanice Sproule
Interim General Manager
Lindsay Agricultural Society